What's up bro You know, there's a lot of small mistakes that keep guys stuck at the same level in calisthenics forever. And chances are that right now, you're doing things that are keeping you stuck, and you don't even know about it… What are those things? To be honest, I don't know… Because there are 100s of different things that can happen to hold you back… Things that depend on your situation, how you eat, if you do other sports, if you have injuries, etc etc. The other day I saw this with somebody who wanted to learn the front lever and asked for my advice… Because he told me, progress is going very slow and he's finding it very hard, and he didn't know why. Now he sent me a video of him practicing - and without even hitting play, I instantly saw what was wrong. He was trying to learn the front lever on a high bar, which makes it wayyy harder. 10 times harder at least. And I told him that using a bar that is low on the ...
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